ChildFund Brasil Sustainability Report
Advocacy and child protection
When we think about protection, we are
talking about all the aspects that involve
the life of a child, adolescent or young
person. They include: the right to food
and decent housing, with the guarantee
of a quality education with access to the
necessary items for study; and, mainly,
protection in the fight to eradicate child
violence, whether physical, psychologi-
cal, sexual, neglect, or even other struc-
tural aspects.
To that end, we rely on some actions that
guide us in the pursuit of these objec-
tives. One of them is advocacy, a strat-
egy that seeks to appreciate, promote
and protect the rights of children, ado-
lescents and young people. Through this
practice, we seek to offer long-lasting so-
lutions that generate permanent trans-
formation in society, besides increasing
the relevance of our organization.
There are several ways to put advocacy
actions into practice, such as political in-
cidence with government agents, con-
gressmen, and other relevant players
involved in decision making for public
policies and laws linked to the causes
defended by an organization.
Since 2018, Child Fund Brasil has been
working for a cause that occurs in a va-
riety of environments, including virtual
ones: child abuse. In the last year, the
organization monitored several bills on
the subject, contacted several congress-
men, and participated in meetings with
the National Secretariat for the Rights of
Children and Adolescents. Learn more
details abut actions in the online envi-
ronment on page 44.
Social mobilization
There is another path that has been trav-
eled by several organizations for years,
which is social mobilization. The simple
action of informing and stimulating civil
society to practice acts of citizenship and
to get involved with causes associated to
the guarantee of the population's rights,
in addition to monitoring them, is al-
ready a way of exercising advocacy.
This is what we have been doing through-
out our activities, encouraging and in-
viting civil society to join in the fight for
the eradication of poverty and for the
fundamental rights of children, young
people, and adolescents. That is how we
can come together and influence the
creation of effective public policies that
bring benefits to the topics debated and
defended by Child Fund Brasil. Through
social mobilization, we can also create in-
formative campaigns, dialogue, and pro-
vide evidence about a specific problem
related to a cause of interest to society as
a whole. Thus, in addition to public poli-
cies, we also influence cultural changes
that may affect child protection.
Advocacy is the practice of defending
rights, mobilizing people and
influencing the creation of public
policies that are effective for an
important cause for civil society.
Therefore, it is important that
advocacy showcases evidence about
the importance of the cause and
involves all of society in its actions.
Network mobilization
Together with other organizations,
ChildFund Brasil participates in child
protection networks and coalitions, such
as Joining Forces Brasil, the Brazilian Co-
alition to End Violence against Children,
the National Network for Early Child-
hood, and the National Forum for the
Rights of Children and Adolescents.
During the pandemic, for example,
Child Fund Brasil worked with other or-
ganizations to get the federal govern-
ment to release funds from the National
School Meals Program (PNAE) to buy
staple food kits for families in need.
Another action was the public note in de-
fense of childhood vaccination released
at the end of 2021. The document was
signed by Child Fund Brasil and other or-
ganizations that defend the rights of chil-
dren and adolescents. Check it out in our
1 influence, monitor, and promote
the processes of generating and
enforcing laws related to child
2 conduct campaigns to give
visibility, raise awareness of the
importance and engage society in
topics related to children;
3 strengthen alliances and
integration with the public and
private sectors, as well as civil
society organizations.
Developing advocacy partnerships
The people who work in the Local
Partners, who are key to developing
Child Fund Brasil's methodologies in the
territories where it operates, participat-
ed in several training sessions in 2021 on
child protection. Issues such as the Child
Safeguarding Policy and psychological
help were addressed throughout 2021.
For ChildFund Brasil's social programs
and child protection coordinator, Karla
Correa, these moments are essential for
advocacy to happen in practice. "As we
work on issues related to child protec-
tion, the PSOS will advocate together
with local representatives, in their terri-
tories, to act together with us on causes
related to children and adolescents. So
much so that employees of some PSOS
participate in municipal councils, such
as those for the rights of children and
adolescents, health, and education, for
Training is a time to share knowledge
and benefit the entire community, pos-
itively impacting the integral protec-
tion of the child.
ChŘldFund. • Sustainability Report
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