Selected Historical Financials of CEZ Group slide image

Selected Historical Financials of CEZ Group

Expected year-on-year change in individual business areas CZK billions EBITDA 2022 GENERATION MINING DISTRIBUTION SALES Intragroup eliminations 131.6 EBITDA 2023 E 115-120 ப G GENERATION of which Generating facilities (CZK -7 to 0 bn) + Higher realized prices of electricity, including hedging - Levy on excess revenues in generation (introduced in Czechia from Dec 1, 2022) - Lower deployment of emission facilities -22 to -16 - Outage schedule for nuclear power plants +4 to +6 -1 to 0 +1 to +3 -2 to -1 - Higher fixed operating expenses of which Trading (CZK -18 to -13 bn) - Record-high income from commodity trading in 2022 + / - Uncertain income from trading in 2023 and revaluation of derivatives MINING + Higher revenues from the sale of coal, mainly due to higher realized prices - Higher fixed operating expenses, mainly on energy DISTRIBUTION - Higher fixed operating expenses and negative effect of correction factors + Higher allowed revenues SALES + Acquisition-induced and organic increase in energy services + Higher margin from the purchase of electricity from RESS - Higher purchase expenses on electricity and gas for customers Intragroup eliminations - Mainly the elimination of impact of the EUR/CZK risk hedging effect of ČEZ ESCO (SALES segment) through ČEZ, a. s., (GENERATION segment), caused by the significant strengthening of CZK against EUR. Within ČEZ, a. s., this hedging effect is included in foreign exchange gains and losses (outside EBITDA). 17
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