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Investor Presentaiton

Materiality assessment and its frequency 1 2 3 An entity is required to identify the significant sustainability-related risks and opportunities which could reasonably be expected to affect its business model, strategy or cash flows. In the absence of an IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standard that specifically applies to a sustainability-related risk or opportunity, the company... The materiality of a specific sustainability-related financial disclosure is assessed in the context of an entity's general purpose financial reporting and is based on the nature or magnitude of the item to which the information relates, or both. Note - severity (scale, scope) is used by GRI Standards to determine significance of actual negative / positive impacts. The Standard requires disclosure of the process followed to determine sustainability-related risks and opportunities (IFRS S1, para 26). ..shall conside SASB Standards An entity would be required to use judgement to identify what is material, and materiality judgements are reassessed at each reporting date ..may consider: GRI Standards, European ESRS ▸ materials of investor- focused standard setters guidance industry practice Page 13 9 August 2023 How to prepare a report in compliance with IFRS S1/S2? EY
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