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Investor Presentaiton

Appendix Strategy Financial & Operating Performance Emirates NBD Profile Operating Environment Q1-15 Financial Results Highlights Emirates NBD Highlights Net profit of AED 1,671 Mn for Q1-15 improved 60% y-o-y and 36% q-o-q • Net interest income rose 11% y-o-y mainly due to growth in Retail assets and a lower cost of funds. NII is flat q-o-q due to NIMS remaining stable and marginal asset growth Non-interest income improved 23% y-o-y and 26% q-o-q due to increases in foreign exchange and derivative income, higher asset management fees and gains from the sale of investment property Costs increased 3% y-o-y but reduced by 8% q-o-q. Cost trends comfortably within guidance and continue to remain well managed • NPL ratio stable at 7.8% • Provisions of AED 1,085 Mn further boosted coverage ratio to 103.9% • AD ratio of 95.6% within management range • NIMS maintained at 2.90% q-o-q despite a competitive environment Key Performance Indicators AED Mn Q1-15 Q1-14 Better/ |(Worse) Q4-14 Better / (Worse) Net interest income Non-interest income 2,485 2,232 11% 2,473 0% 1,360 1,102 23% 1,082 26% Total income 3,845 3,333 15% 3,555 8% Operating expenses (1,079) (1,050) (3%) (1,177) 8% Pre-impairment 2,766 2,283 21% 2,378 16% operating profit Impairment allowances (1,085) (1,267) 14% (1,163) 7% Operating profit 1,681 1,016 65% 1,214 38% Share of profits from associates 36 61 (41%) 51 (29%) Taxation charge (46) (35) (31%) (39) (16%) Net profit 1,671 1,042 60% 1,226 36% Cost: income ratio (%) 28.1% 31.5% 3.4% 33.1% 5.0% Net interest margin (%) 2.90% 2.75% 0.15% 2.91% (0.01%) AED Bn 31-Mar-15 31-Mar-14 % 31-Dec-14 % Total assets 367.5 347.1 6% 363.0 1% Loans 248.9 239.7 4% 246.0 1% Deposits 260.4 251.5 4% 258.3 1% 13
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