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Investor Presentaiton

Energies 2019, 12, 3658 10 of 37 • The overtopping device, which utilizes the overtopping phenomenon to the let the water fall through the turbine to converter the potential energy into electric power [88-90], as shown in Figure 6g. Others, describing concepts different from the above categories, e.g., the wave carpet [91] and the rotating mass [92,93], which uses the motion of a hull to accelerate and maintain the revolutions of a spinning mass inside. (a) Oscillating water column (OWC) Terminator Attenuator Wave activated body (WAB) Point absorber (PA) WEC Submerged pressure differential Rotating mass Overtopping decive Others air water Figure 5. Categories of wave energy converter (WEC) technology. turbine (b) air (c) (d) Sea bottom PTO water PTO (f) PTO turbine PTO WL Sea bottom WL Figure 6. WEC technologies. There are different types of PTO systems adopted for different WEC devices, e.g., pneumatic [94,95], hydraulic [96-99], direct mechanical drive [100-102], and direct electrical drive [103-105]. An elaborated description of these systems can be found in [106-108]. A time-varying wave climate in real sea may deteriorate the power quality gained from a single device. In practice, some strategies, like short-term energy storage or PTO resistance control, can be utilized to smooth energy production. However, arrays of wave energy converters are more desirable
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