Energy Storage Value and Adoption Analysis
Cost Effectiveness Framework
We utilize the RIM test to evaluate cost-effectiveness of energy storage,
including the value of avoided customer outages.
The Ratepayer Impact Measure (RIM) test provides an indication of how average
retail rates will change as the result of a new utility initiative
Includes all reductions in resource costs (e.g., reductions in fuel and capacity costs)
Includes savings associated with procuring services more cheaply (e.g., ancillary services)
We also include as a benefit the ratepayer value of avoided distribution outages
Not traditionally included in RIM test (does not result a cost incurred by the utility), but
reflects a benefit to ratepayers who experience fewer outages
We separately report cost-effective storage levels excluding customer outage value
We quantify, but do not include as ratepayer benefits, the societal cost impacts
associated with changes in carbon and other emissions 12View entire presentation