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Investor Presentaiton

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Global Initiative Report (GRI Standards) International standards on sustainability reporting and disclosure of economic, environmental and social topics. UN Global Compact International initiative promoting 10 universally accepted Principles to promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Organization that promotes awareness on climate change through a better quality and transparency of the information reported on the company's emissions performance. IPC Sustentable Mexican index of 30 listed companies, which are best positioned in relation to the pillars of Environment, Social and Corporate Governance. Empresa Socialmente Responsable (ESR) Recognition granted by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Cemefi) and AliaRSE, as a company committed with corporate social Responsibility. Natural Capital Declaration Voluntary financial sector initiative created at the Rio+20 Earth Summit, which recognizes the role of natural resources in the economy through its integration into financial products and services. Equator Principles Standard within the financial sector to determine, assess and manage the environmental and social risks of financed projects. GE12 Programme Mexico Voluntary reporting of greenhouse gas emissions GRI THE GLOBAL COMPACT CDP DRIVING SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIES ESR IPC Sustentable EMPRESA SOCIALMENTE RESPONSABLE Natural Capital Declaration EQUATOR PRINCIPLES GE!2 UNEP Finance Initiative Initiative that aims to identify, promote and carry out the adoption of best environmental and sustainability practices at all levels of operations of financial institutions. Dow Jones Sustainability Index MILA In 2017 was included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index MILA Pacific Alliance. Asociación de Bancos de México (ABM) Participation in the Sustainability Committee and the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, and signatories as the ABM Banking Sustainability protocol. STOXX ESG Leaders Index Index that represents the main global companies in terms of environmental, social and governance criteria, based on ESG indicators provided by Sustainalytics. Euronext Vigeo Emerging Markets 70 Recognizes the 70 companies from emerging countries with the most advanced practices in terms of sustainability. FTSE4Good Emerging Index Index that evaluates actions in the themes of climate change, labor standards and risk management, among others. Bloomberg Gender Equity Index Index that provides analysis of the commitment of 52 companies with the gender equity in the workplace to investors and organizations. Principles for Responsible Investment Initiative that promotes its signatories to integrate environmental, social and governmental (ESG) criteria into their investment and ownership decisions. MEKIce Div DB Rev Dep 52 NIM TI LD Loan BAP Guid ESG Eco NI ROE ICAP Mkt App Hist C/I 52 UNEP FINANCE INITIATIVE Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes ABM DE BANCOS DE MEXICO STOXX EURONEXT vigeo HOCES FTSE4Good 2016 Bloomberg Gender Equality Index FINANCIAL PRI SERVICES Principles for Responsible Investment GRUPO FINANCIERO BANDRTE
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