Satellite Connectivity Market Opportunity slide image

Satellite Connectivity Market Opportunity

MARKET TRENDS IN OUR HERITAGE BUSINESSES VIDEO TV ► Underlying trend in the last few years has been a mid single digit decline → Changing video consumption habits → Resilient channel line-up → HD growth, improved compression → Europe / EM facing different trends for the industry ► Professional Video in structural decline DATA Global demand increase driven by rising connectivity needs Ongoing decline of GEO business albeit at a modest pace → Improved volume trends in Fixed Data largely offsetting price pressure ►NGSO (Non-geostationary orbit) satellites to capture much of future growth in the long-term GOVERNMENT SERVICES ► Bandwidth-hungry usages, increasing defence budgets and remote connectivity needs to drive demand growth ►NGSO (Non-geostationary orbit) satellites to further broaden the market in the long-term EUTELSAT | 16
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