ESG: Our 'Beyond Compliance' Approach slide image

ESG: Our 'Beyond Compliance' Approach

OVERVIEW OF OUR OPERATIONS OVERVIEW OF OUR OPERATIONS OPERATING SUCCESSFULLY IN SOUTH AFRICA ELECTRICITY AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT ⚫ DMRE lifted private generation licensing threshold . • to 100MW, which will supplement existing capacity, stabilise power supply and reduce costs Increased scope for Group renewable energy projects now possible Group can have 30MW of installed solar capacity in the next 24 months Access to utilities, infrastructure and technical support • • MINING TENURE AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Renewal of Barberton Mines' mining rights granted for 30 years to 2051 • Evander Mines' mining rights valid until 2038 Regular audits and inspections from authorities on compliance and reporting procedures • Well established legal and taxation regime SECURITY . Collaboration with government as well as peer companies to combat illegal mining and criminality Member of the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime • Integrated security plan and modernisation of security technology at all facilities ongoing STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT • • Multi-facetted engagements with all stakeholders, including with our communities and traditional authorities COVID-19 awareness, prevention and vaccination programmes and incentives for employees Focus on 'beyond compliance' initiatives to ensure social licence to operate 11
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