Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion slide image

Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion

EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) To mitigate the socioeconomic impact of the pandemic & to strengthen the resilience and competitiveness of the Cypriot economy €1.2 bn from EU mechanism €1.1 bn additional funds mobilised in Cyprus 58 reforms 75 investments 41% Green Transition 23% 36% Digital Transition Other m 7.1% increase in GDP for 2022-2026 2.5% increase in employment for 2021-2026 +11,000 new high value-added jobs preparing for a green and digital era • 75 new investments to be initiated including: Interconnection between Cyprus, Greece and Israel (€100 mn) Promotion of diversification and competitiveness via introduction of financing schemes to SMEs and start-ups (€52 mn) • Promotion of sustainable transport (eg: hybrid vehicles) (€49 mn) 58 reforms to be introduced including: Modernising public and local authorities, improving efficiency in judicial system Introducing green taxation Establishing e-government 53
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