Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
Building & Construction
The Government's needs in carrying out the construction of public
works guarantee the sector a certain level of demand.
• Forecast of large-scale works such as the São Paulo Metrô - the
extension of the Green Line 2 to Penha -, which is authorized by the
state government and is expected to be delivered between 2025
and 2026.
• Projects such as the Metrô Mets Orange line and large industrial
projects in the pulp and paper area, which continue to drive
investments in this sector.
• 14% increase in investment intentions announced for the period
2021 to 2026, totaling R$ 882.3 billion. Despite the expressive
numbers, only 8% of these works in the design and intention stage
have a start forecast - a percentage that has increased over the
years, which means that the amount of investment at stake is real,
but execution depends on will, political priority and strategic
Source: Exame, 2021
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