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Investor Presentaiton

Millions Evolution of funding over a decade The group's funding sources have continued to evolve since the issue of Australian Unity Limited's first listed debt in FY2011. Cost of external debt and equity 1,400 8.6% 3.6% Bank Debt 180 Australian YEARS Unity Real Wellbeing • support from the banking group remains strong • increase to corporate liquidity facilities continued utilisation of development loans, at reduced all-in rates 1,200 1,000 800 600 Bank Debt ■Development Loans Corporate Bank Debt Debt Capital Markets ■RVINS Corporate Bonds / Notes ■Subordinated Debt 400 Equity ■MCI 200 ■Members Funds • Debt Capital Markets • increase in listed AUL debt from $120 million to $322 million decrease in AUL listed debt margin from 3.55% to 2.10% while increasing tenor from 5 to an average of 6.3 years Equity approximate $360m increase in Members' Funds at CAGR of 6.8% issued Australia's first Mutual Capital Instrument contributing $120m to group equity. Instruments are traded on the ASX and have annual dividend of 5% plus franking credits 0 30-Jun-11 AUL FY21 Investor presentation 30-Jun-21 Funds total funds managed by the Group increased from $11.9 billion to $27.9 billion 16
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