Investor Presentaiton
To achieve the objectives of this policy, the following strategy shall be adopted:
a. Sector and product specific export promotion strategies with interventions and
reforms designed to be implemented in the medium and long-term.
b. Engagement of export promotion councils, local trade associations, logistic
providers, export service providers and other important organizations associated
with trade, in the design and implementation of export promotion interventions.
c. Promote coordinated approach to design, plan and implement export
promotion initiatives and facilitate policy implementation through robust
institutional structures.
d. Demand driven approach to conceptualize new infrastructure projects. Mobilize
and incentivize private sector participation, where needed, to address gaps in
existing infrastructure network.
e. Leverage schemes (such as the PM GATI Shakti, TIES) implemented by Centre
/State to develop or rejuvenate export-oriented infrastructure in the State.
f. Set-up physical infrastructure, mobilize knowledge partners and promote
capacity building to support Quality and Standards initiatives (testing facilities,
certification, etc.).
g. Ensure development/revamp of sector-specific requirements pertaining to
common facility center, processing center, raw material banks, etc. in line with
the product demand.
h. Implement measures for capacity building and encouraging trade such as sector
specific awareness/outreach & skilling programmes, State Export Newsletter to
address information gaps, recognizing exporters through award programmes.
i. Design and deliver initiatives to promote marketing. Promote Made in Odisha
products in domestic and international markets. Improved visibility of State
exporters in National and International platform.View entire presentation