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Investor Presentaiton

Looking for Fraud Info: The top resources for information on protecting from fraud are online (34%) and in the news (30%) Q In the past, where have you most often looked for information about protecting yourself from investment fraud? Please select all that apply. [asked of all respondents; multiple mention; national n=5,000, Manitoba n=500] 71 National Manitoba Online Online News My financial adviser 36% 34% 33% News 30% 24% My friends/family members 25% My friends/family members 24% My financial adviser 23% Social media 11% Social Media 12% Educational brochures/books 11% Educational brochures/books 9% In-person meetings/seminars 6% In-person meetings/seminars 7% Bank/financial institution 1% Bank/Financial Institution 1% Other 1% Other 1% Don't know 8% Don't know 9% None of these 23% None of these 24%
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