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Corporate & Investor Presentation

Study demonstrates the effectiveness of CPAP therapy and quality of life improvements for those with mild obstructive sleep apnea MERGE trial: clinical effectiveness of CPAP treatment in patients with mild obstructive sleep apnea Demonstrated improvement in 56. ● CPAP -Standard care Quality of Life (SF-36 vitality scale) Treatment effect 7-5 (95% CI 5-3-9-6); p<0-0001 54- for CPAP patients vs. standard care Symptomatic benefits: • Reductions in sleepiness 52 Mean vitality score (95% CI) 46- 48- g Improvements in fatigue and depression Compelling evidence supports the need and benefits of treating mild OSA Combined with recently published global prevalence research, 936M patients worldwide can benefit from PAP treatment 44 42- T 40 Baseline Month 3 Visit Change in SF-36 Vitality Scale in Patients with Mild OSA per AASM 2012 Wimms et al. Lancet Respir Med 2019 47 2021 ResMed | Corporate & Investor Presentation - updated 28JAN21 MMERGE Blackpool Liverpool Dundee Cambridge Oxford Taunton Plymouth UK Respiratory Sleep Research Network Newcastle Stevenage London (G&ST) London (RB&HT) ResMed
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