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Investor Presentaiton

Composition of the Lower House and Senate Lower House Seats Morena 203 Absolute majority: 251 Qualified PT PVEM majority: 334 MC 33 40 25 PRD 15 PRI 70 PAN 113 Ind. 1 Senate Seats Morena 61 Simple majority: 65 Qualified PVEM PES majority: 86 MC PT 6 4 9 PRD 4 PRI 13 PAN 22 Ind. 6 Morena + PT + PVEM = 276 representatives (58 missing for 2/3) Morena + PT + PVEM + PES = 75 senators (11 missing for 2/3) Source: Lower House, Senate 70 0 Hist Div DB Rev Dep TI LD Loan BAP Guid ESG Eco NIM NI ROE ICAP Mkt App C/I GRUPO FINANCIERO BANORTE
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