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2022 Financial Guidance

Strategic Partner in a Cancer Care Market Demanding Efficiency and Collaboration COVID-19 impacts are ongoing and evolving Many cancer screening monthly volumes have returned to pre-pandemic levels Still deficits for those who skipped screenings in 2020/2021 Per a recent survey, Radiation Oncologists: 66% are seeing more advanced- stage cancers 73% are seeing more advanced- stage cancers AKUMIN Cancer incidence, overall, continues to grow • Number of newly diagnosed cancers per year is projected to double in the next two decades Overall Five-Year Growth: Cancers We Treat 13.2% 11.2% 10.1% 11% 8.8% 7.6% 7.3% 6.6% Brain, CNS Breast Colon, Gl Gynecologic Head and Lung Neck Melanoma Prostate, Urologic Purchasers focus: cost reductions in cancer care Commercial plans focused on utilization, site-of-care shifts (OP), price transparency and prior authorizations Employers utilizing second-opinion services and narrowed networks, as cancer care makes up 12% of employers' total medical spend CMS is reducing payments via value-based care and drug spend controls - and receiving pushback Radiology and technological advances continue to impact oncology market Radiology and radiation oncology are increasingly integrated partners in diagnoses and treatment Precision and accuracy in radiation therapy are continuing to increase due to technological advancements Exciting developments are ahead: theragnostics, artificial intelligence, etc. Source: Advisory Board ASCO, ASTRO, GE Healthcare, Grandview Research 13
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