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Investor Presentaiton

Our Commitment to Sustainability NO POVERTY BMO has designed products and services tailored to underrepresented segments including women and Indigenous communities. At BMO, our Purpose to Boldly Grow the Good, in business and life is inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and they are shaping our business and sustainability activities. We believe we can have the greatest impact on the SDGS that align with our strategic priorities, and we focus our efforts on the SDGs shown here. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS BMO's 2020 Sustainability Report is available on our website. 8 DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH M REDUCED 10 INEQUALITIES GENDER FOULALITY SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES 13 ACTION CLIMATE AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY PEACE. JUSTICE 16 AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS BMO promotes economic growth by creating fair employment opportunities in our own operations and in the broader economy through our support of small businesses and entrepreneurs. We take steps to address forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking through our approach to human rights, and encourage our peers and value chain partners to do the same. BMO has adopted policies and practices that aim to remove barriers to social and economic inclusion among our employees. For our customers, we have designed products and services tailored to underrepresented segments, and we are partnering with charitable organizations on initiatives focused on inclusive local economic opportunity. BMO is a champion of diversity and inclusion in our workforce. We also support women-owned businesses by providing access to financial services, and actively support initiatives aimed at empowering women and girls. BMO manages our environmental impact and resource use, and we partner with our customers to build more sustainable buildings and promote community development initiatives. We are raising awareness, building our capacity to manage climate change risks and opportunities, and mobilizing capital in support of a lower-carbon economy. We are actively partnering with industry peers to advance climate- related analytical methodologies. BMO advises on, finances, and invests in renewable energy projects and clean energy technologies. We are also committed to stimulating market demand and driving industry growth by purchasing renewable energy equivalent to our global electricity use. BMO upholds high standards of ethical and responsible conduct for ourselves, our customers and our partners to enhance the effectiveness and accountability of institutions. BMO is committed to playing a role as a convener and catalyst of efforts to achieve the SDGs through partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources in support of the goals. BMO Financial Group - Investor Presentation October 2021 41
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