MuniFin Green Finance and Liquidity Portfolio Evaluation slide image

MuniFin Green Finance and Liquidity Portfolio Evaluation

45 Copyright MuniFin Appendix 9 Welfare Sopukka Wellbeing Centre Emergency department, patient clinic, laboratories, dental care, rehabilitation, occupational health, physiotherapy, family care, mental health services and social services Finance: EUR 22,000,000 Target population: Population of Sodankylä and wider Central Lapland Rationale for investment: Replaces old 1960 building and offers space for new services. Received special approval from the ministry of social affairs and health. Issues faced by the municipality: Declining and aging population Social Evaluation Team's rationale: The evaluation team found the justification for the project very well founded. The circumstances in Northern Finland are exceptional due to the long distances, and regional challenges are considerable. Special emphasis is placed on providing remote appointments. Sopukka's operating model will boost the use of expert resources, make the healthcare supply chain more effective, considerably improve the safety of the region's inhabitants and increase the region's attractiveness. MuniFin (+) Λ Municipality of Sodankylä Location: Lapland Population: 8303 (2019)
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