Access to Financial Services in Kaduna State Deep Dive
There is a wide gender disparity in access to education, mobile phones
EFINA and financial decision making among Kaduna adults
Enhancing Financial Innovation & Acce
89% own a mobile phone
52% have complete secondary
education and above
54% have a formal ID
76% own a mobile phone
36% have completed secondary
education and above
46% have a formal ID
Financial decision making
Socio economic factors
50% are farmers
33% are business owners
21% are farmers
50% are business owners
84% Involved in making decisions
on how money is spent in the
53% Involved in making
decisions on how money is
spent in the household
83% Control of how money is
spent in the household
87% Have a final say on
whether to work to earn
income or not
43% Control of how money is
spent in the household
21% Have a final say on whether
to work to earn income or not
Source: EFINA Access to Financial Services in Kaduna State 2020 Survey 18View entire presentation