Bank of Ireland 2020 Debt Investor Presentation slide image

Bank of Ireland 2020 Debt Investor Presentation

2021 outlook continues to be impacted by COVID-19 Bank of Ireland 2020 Debt Investor Presentation Profitability Asset Quality Capital 2021 total income expected to be broadly in line with 2020 reflecting: - - Lower net interest income Higher business income Lower charge for valuation items Costs will continue to reduce: 2021 costs <€1.65bn 2023 costs of €1.5bn Subject to no further deterioration in the economic conditions or outlook, the majority of the credit impairment risk associated with COVID-19 has been captured 2021 impairment charge to be materially lower than 2020 • 2021 CET1 ratios expected to remain broadly in line with December 2020 levels¹ Distributions to recommence on a prudent and progressive basis based on performance and capital position Medium term targets to be refreshed at strategy update later in the year 1 Excluding DTA/IFRS 9 phasing impacts on the Group's regulatory CET1 ratio Bank of Ireland 38
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