LanzaTech Investor Presentation Deck slide image

LanzaTech Investor Presentation Deck

LanzaTech SynBio Platform at the Cutting Edge Across Multiple Capabilities & Processes World's First Anaerobic Biofoundry Fully Automated Engineering & Screening of Thousands of Anaerobic Gas Fermentation Strains Rapid In Vitro Prototyping Platform Predictive & Low-Cost, Cell-Free Prototyping of Enzymes & Pathway Designs LanzaTech R assig ARREDA 22 JGI JBEI EBRC thwestern 13470 SynBio SC Nottingham 10 SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY A AIBN Advanced AI & Modeling Fully-Integrated Predictive Metabolic & Process Models World-Class Partnerships Partnerships with Leading Synthetic Biology Institutions Across Globe 27
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