Granite Ridge Investor Presentation Deck slide image

Granite Ridge Investor Presentation Deck

Overview Strategy & Execution Scaled, Diversified Asset Base DJ: 7% of PV-10¹ LTM Spuds 2: 69 # of Wells in Process ³: 53 Net acreage 4,5: 2,086 • PV-10¹: $104MM Active Rigs 6: 14 NV ● UT MT Permian: 57% of PV-10¹ LTM Spuds 2: 128 # of Wells in Process 3: 101 Net acreage 4.5: 10,806 • PV-10¹: $894MM Active Rigs 6: 312 WY Assets со NM Eagle Ford: 16% of PV-10¹ LTM Spuds 2: 21 # of Wells in Process 3: 11 Net acreage 4.5: 6,365 • PV-10¹: $250MM Active Rigs 6: 49 ND SD NE TX ● ● ● ● Bakken: 10% of PV-10¹ LTM Spuds 2: 35 # of Wells in Process ³:23 Net acreage 4.5: 15,030 PV-10¹: $155MM Active Rigs 6: 33 KS ΤΑ MO AR LA ● IL MS IN TN AL MI KY OH 1. Based on 12/31/2022 SEC reserves. PV-10 is a Non-GAAP financial measure, which is defined and reconciled in the Appendix. 2. Gross spuds 7/1/2022 to 9/30/2023. 3. Defined as gross wells spud, but not producing as of 9/30/23. 4. As of 9/30/2023. 5. Excludes shallow zone acreage. 6. As of 9/29/2023. Source: Baker Hughes GA WV SC PA VA NC Haynesville: 10% of PV-10¹ LTM Spuds 2: 12 # of Wells in Process 3:8 Net acreage 4.5: 2,374 PV-10¹: $157MM Active Rigs 6: 39 NY VT/ NH MA ст Appendix ΜΕ Outlined counties contain assets or acreage screened and/or evaluated by Granite Ridge Esri, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, EPA D GRANITE RIDGE 5
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