Trailblazing Legacy & Corporate Developments slide image

Trailblazing Legacy & Corporate Developments

Consolidated Cash Flows BRIGADE (INR Mn) Particulars Operating Activities Total Collections Q4 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q2 FY22 Q1 FY22 FY 22 FY 21 13,335 10,951 9,369 7,172 40,827 27,119 Direct Cost/Construction Cost (5,434) (4,155) (3,712) (3,488) (16,789) (11,132) Landowner Payments (1,218) (982) (939) (619) (3758) (1,853) Employee and Admin Expenses (938) (831) (1,059) (738) (3,566) (2,221) Sales & Marketing Expenses (398) (455) (302) (222) (1,377) (938) Statutory Payments (1,066) (1,047) (1,210) (522) (3,845) (1,707) Other Payments (132) (73) (13) (25) (243) (98) Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities (A) 4,149 3,408 2,134 1,558 11,249 9,170 Investment Activities Cash from Investment Activities (FD & MF) 1,250 1,737 2,650 1,617 7,254 4,379 Construction Cost (CWIP/Capex Projects) (430) (732) (588) (638) (2,388) (5,200) Investment in Land/JD/JV/TDR (1,149) (192) (190) (10) (1,541) (1,856) Other Investments (FD & Mutual Fund) (2,587) (3,304) (2,124) (6,832) (14,847) (6,994) Net Cash Flow from Investment Activities (B) (2,916) (2,491) (252) (5,863) (11,522) (9,671) Financing Activities Debt Drawdown 2,029 2,537 6,577 2,913 14,056 18,157 Investment by PE 500 250 750 860 Proceeds from QIP/ESOP/Share Warrants 25 42 37 5,008 5,112 882 Dividend Payment (252) (252) Debt Repayment Finance costs (1,518) (2,936) (7,766) (3,483) (15,703) (15,267) (836) (779) (831) (878) (3,324) (3,712) Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities (C) (300) (1,136) (1,735) 3,810 639 920 Net Cash Flows for the Period (A+B+C) 933 (219) 147 (495) 366 419 Cash Flow from Operating activities for FY22 was INR 11,249 Mn, 23% higher than FY21 18
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