Investor Presentaiton
Ichigo Sustainability Policy
Harmony with the Environment
Ichigo actively monitors and minimizes the environmental impact of its business operations.
Energy Conservation, CO2 Reduction, and Recycling
Ichigo seeks to contribute to a low-carbon, low-waste society by reducing energy
consumption, extending the useful life of assets, actively recycling, reducing waste
production and water consumption, and implementing green procurement measures.
Regulatory and Environmental Compliance
Ichigo complies with all environmental laws and regulations and Ichigo's own independently-
established environmental rules. Ichigo also carefully monitors and complies with all applicable.
changes in laws and regulations.
Training and Awareness
Ichigo promotes understanding of its Sustainability Policy and works to increase sustainability
awareness among all Ichigo employees.
Sustainability Performance Communication and Disclosure
Ichigo communicates its Sustainability Policy and Ichigo's sustainability initiatives to society at
large. Ichigo also obtains certifications for its sustainability activities on an ongoing basis.
O Ichigo Investment Advisors Co., Ltd. Ichigo Hotel REIT Investment Corporation All rights reserved.
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