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Overview - Revised Basel III Implementation
Revised Basel III Reforms
Effective February 1, 2023, the Bank has adopted the Revised Basel III reforms in accordance with OSFI's revised Capital Adequacy Requirements Guideline,
Leverage Ratio Requirements Guideline, and Pillar 3 Disclosures Guideline for D-SIBS. OSFI's requirements are substantially aligned with the BCBS' Revised Basel
Ill reforms with some differences, primarily in residential real estate and qualifying revolving retail exposures, and with respect to an acceleration of the phase-in
period of the aggregate capital output floor to 72.5% by 2026.
The final Basel III reforms implemented in Q2 2023 primarily impact the calculation of risk-weighted assets and include:
a revised standardized approach for credit risk, with increased granularity of prescribed risk weights for credit cards, mortgages and business loans;
⚫ revisions to the internal ratings-based approach for credit risk with new requirements for internally developed model parameters under the Advanced Internal
Ratings-Based Approach (AIRB), including scope restrictions which limit certain asset classes to only the Foundation Internal Ratings-Based (FIRB) approach;
a revised standardized approach for operational risk, which builds on the existing standardized approach including the recognition of an institution's
operational risk loss experience;
⚫ revisions to the measurement of the Leverage ratio and a Leverage ratio buffer, which will take the form of a Tier 1 capital buffer set at 50% of a D-SIB's 1.0%
risk-weighted surcharge capital buffer; and
an aggregate output floor, which will ensure that banks' RWAs generated by internal models are not lower than 72.5% of RWAs as calculated by the Basel III
framework's standardized approaches. There is an international phase-in period for the 72.5% aggregate capital output floor from 2023 until 2028, beginning
at 65% for Canadian banks this quarter.
Internationally, adoption of the revised Basel III reforms is varied across jurisdictions. Current expectations are that many jurisdictions will implement no earlier
than 2025. In addition, the revised credit valuation adjustment framework (CVA) and Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) market risk requirements
will be effective for the Bank in Q1 2024.
OSFI's Pillar 3 Disclosure Requirements
This Appendix disclosure is based on OSFI's Pillar 3 disclosure requirements, including subsequently issued Total Loss Absorbing Capital (September 2018), and
OSFI Capital Adequacy Requirements Guidelines (February 2023), and Leverage Ratio Guidelines (February 2023) and Pillar 3 Disclosure Guideline (February
2023), which are primarily sourced from the BCBS' Revised Pillar 3 disclosure requirements and its Technical Amendment to Regulatory Treatment of Accounting
Provisions. This document is not audited and should be read in conjunction with our 2022 Annual Report.
Supplementary Regulatory Capital Disclosure
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