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Finance and Capital Management

From a customer to the With-Profits Fund perspective Withdrawals and the Shareholder Transfer (SHT) Single withdrawal Customer withdrawing 100% of funds in year 10 Net investment returns of £480 by year 10 120 600 480 1,000 Annual Charges are paid to the With-Profits Fund and include the cost of the SHT¹ 1,000 Initial investment Assumed gross returns 3 Assumed charges 4 Withdrawal at year-10 With-Profits income and expenses6 Illustrative5 PruFund fees Shareholders receive a transfer from the WPF² of 480/9= c. £53 Wrapper fees Guarantee fees (if any, not included in this example) With-Profits With-Profits Income Expenses With-Profits surplus Shareholder Transfer Paid by the With-Profits Fund upon customer withdrawal Distribution and Admin costs Investment management costs Smoothing and holding account 1. Shareholder Transfer; 2. With-Profits Fund; 3. Based on 5% Expected Growth Rate and assuming no Unit Price Adjustments; 4. Based on 1% Annual Charge (including both fund and wrapper fees); 5. For simplicity, the charts assume EGR of 5% and Annual Charges of 1% remaining unaltered over the entirety of the holding period with no Unit Price Adjustments; 6. With-Profits income and expenses shown on a present value basis; 7. This could be a surplus or deficit depending on how actual experience compares to that used in pricing new business, which is effected in accordance with FCA requirements 47
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