Investor Presentation FY22 & Q4FY22 Financial Results slide image

Investor Presentation FY22 & Q4FY22 Financial Results

Performance Highlights (2/2) YES BANK All figures in INR Crs Mar-21 Dec-21 Mar-22 Gross NPA 28,610 28,654 27,976 Asset quality trends continue to improve GNPA ratio at 13.9%, vs 14.7% last quarter Other Non Performing Exposures 10,425 8,897 8,503 NNPA ratio at 4.5% vs. 5.3% last quarter Total Gross Non Performing Exposures 39,034 37,551 36,479 Total Provisions held 25,992 25,574 26,419 Non Performing Exposures¹ Net Non Performing Exposures 13,042 11,977 10,060 Cumulative Technical Write-off # 17,208 16,579 16,302 • Net additions during the Quarter 9,728 (22) (277) Provision Coverage for above³ 76.8% 77.9% 80.9% Net Non-Performing Exposures lower by nearly INR 3,000 Crs in FY22 Slippages lower at INR 802 Crs vs. INR 978 Crs last quarter of which: Corporate slippages lower at INR 373 Crs vs. INR 435 Crs last quarter Retail slippages lower at INR 333 Crs vs. INR 388 Crs last quarter Standard Restructured Total Gross Restructured Loans 1,244 6,878 6,752 Loans² 61-90 days overdue loans 4,661 1,943 1,264 Overdue Loans continue to trend lower Of which Retail 234 275 227 Overdue Book 31-60 days overdue loans 9,042 5,305 4,483 • 61-90 days bucket lower by INR 679 Crs Q-o-Q 31-60 days bucket lower by INR 822 Crs Q-o-Q Of which Retail 1,057 688 815 1 NPA, NPI & ARC 2 Erstwhile, MSME 1.0 & 2.0, DCCO related & Covid 1.0 & 2.0 3 Including technical w/o # Only Corporate 10
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