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Investor Presentaiton

NIC एन आई सी National Informatics Centre Seed Certification Management System (SeedCert) ( Puducherry Seed Certification Agency DashBoard as on 04/05/2022 SeedCert- Seed Certification Management System is a web based application developed to automate the entire spectrum of seed certification process from producer registration to the tagging of the seed. The System provides a seamless interface among all the stakeholders in the certification process viz the seed producers, the Seed Certification Agency, Seed Processing Unit and the Seed Testing Laboratory. The certified seed lot data may be extended to distribute Subsidy to Seed sales dealer based on purchase of Seed by Growers. Launched on 14/09/2017 by Hon'ble Minister of Agriculture. Hosted in SDC, Puducherry. Department Support Project was completed in 2017 and in operation by department and Seed Producer Dashboard Sow Rep Approved 986 Dropped in Tagging 0 Field Inspn Success Downgraded in field level Dropped in field level 697 13 221 PR Not Requested 19 FRP reached SPU 535 Processing Done 527 STL result Submitted 523 STL result Success 285 ReProcess/ ReSample 32 Seed Downgraded 84 Dropped in Seed Level 49 Tag indented for 363 Tag issued for Lot 363 Tagging completed 361 Certified Quantity (qtl) 9133.8199 Foundation Class(qtl) 584.8 Certified Class(qtl) 8549.0199 Digital India Power To Empower Mobile App to tack the status SMS integrationn for result at each stage End to End work-flow with simple data entry
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