Global Banking and Markets Financial Performance slide image

Global Banking and Markets Financial Performance

STRONG CAPITAL POSITION CET1 ratio of 11.25% • 11.5% -24 bps +31 bps -14 bps -10 bps -10 bps 11.25% Q4/17 Internal Capital Generation Business Growth RWA (ex. FX) and IFRS 9 transition Basel | Floor Impact Other including Q1/18 FX before Basel I floor Strong CET1 ratio of 11.25% CET1 risk-weighted assets increased 2% or $6 billion • Basel 1 floor relief of 50 bps effective Q2/18 +50 bps " Impact of moving to Basel Il floor in Q2/18 11.75% Q1/18 Pro- Forma Scotiabank® 9
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