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Investor Presentaiton

Radio Business Comparative DBCL FY20 YoY Growth %/ (De- growth) ENIL FY20 YoY Growth %/ (De-growth) FY 19 v/s FY 20 Differential Increase %/ (Decline) v/s Music Broadcast FY20 YoY Growth % / (De-growth) Radio Business DBCL Advertisement Rev -10.6% -12.3% 1.7% Other Income 171.8% 3.0% 168.8% Total Income -10.2% -11.8% 1.6% FY 20 v/s FY 21 Differential Increase %/ (Decline) v/s HT Media (Fever) FY20 YoY Growth % Differential Increase %/ (Decline) v/s DBCL / (De-growth) DBCL -23.7% 13.1% 3.9% -14.5% 8.0% -22.3% 163.8% 12.1% 3.9% -14.1% DBCL FY21 YoY Growth %/ (De- growth) Radio Business Advertisement Rev -40.3% Other Income -29.8% Total Income -40.3% ENIL FY21 YoY Growth %/ (De-growth) -49.9% -7.3% -48.1% Differential Increase %/ (Decline) v/s DBCL 9.6% -22.5% 7.9% Music Broadcast FY21 YoY Growth % / (De-growth) Differential Increase %/ (Decline) v/s HT Media FY21 YOY Growth %/ Differential Increase %/ (Decline) v/s DBCL (De-growth) DBCL -48.5% 8.2% -63.2% 22.8% -8.5% -21.3% -46.0% 5.8% -63.2% 22.9% ENIL Profits are adjusted to exceptional item of provisions related to non-financial assets Qtr 2 FY 22 Differential DBCL Q2 FY22 YoY Growth %/ (De- growth) ENIL Q2 FY22 YoY Growth %/ (De- growth) Increase %/ (Decline) v/s Music Broadcast Q2 FY22 YoY Growth %/ Differential Increase %/ (Decline) v/s HT Media Q2 FY22 YOY Growth %/ Differential Increase %/ DBCL DBCL (De-growth) (Decline) v/s DBCL Radio Business (De-growth) Advertisement Rev 58.1% 52.2% 5.9% 39.8% 18.4% 60.0% -1.9% Other Income -8.3% -58.4% 50.1% 64.3% -72.6% Total Income 57.8% 50.4% 7.4% 41.9% 15.9% 60.0% -2.2% DB Corp Ltd दैनिक भास्कर દિવ્યભાસ્કર વિમાડી MY FM दैनिक jlyo dil se भास्कर LECZI ભાસ્કર 13 TO BE THE LARGEST AND MOST ADMIRED LANGUAGE MEDIA BRAND ENABLING SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHANGE
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