Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion slide image

Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion

Organisational resilience & ESG agenda: ESG Performance Environmental 昌 2.0 mn kWh of energy savings in FY2021 €273k investment in energy-saving in FY2021 305k kg paper recycled in FY2021 Introduction of environmentally friendly loan products People >3,400 employees * >50 ths hours of training conducted in FY2021 Certificate by the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance for applying good practices for gender equality in the working environment Social >16.5 ths cancer patients received treatment and other services at the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre for FY2021 c. €70 m n cumulative investment for the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre >30 entrepreneurs educated in FY2021 via IDEA innovation centre, a non-profit organization, established in 2015, acting as incubator accelerator for start-ups (>6,000 entrepreneurs since establishment) Responsible services €1.8 bn new lending for FY2021;up 33% yoy 89% of total transactions in FY2021 are through digital channels; up 3p.p. yoy 79% of customers are digitally engaged as at 31 Dec 2021; up 4 p.p. yoy Governance 33% of the board of directors are female as at 31 Dec 2021 38% of the key positions³ below extended EXCO are female 68 internal audits finalised in FY2021 3,620 customer relationships terminated/suspended for compliance reasons in FY2021 SupportCy Network >€780k total contribution to the Society by all members (monetary, products and services) since March 2020 Improvement of MSCI ESG Rating MSCI ESG Rating² AA for BOCH MSCI AA Rating action date: Jan 2022 ESG RATINGS CCC B BB BBB A AA AAA 1) SupportCY is a network of companies and NGOs, created and coordinated by Bank of Cyprus since March 2020, with the aim to support the public services performing frontline duties during the Pandemic. SupportCY has become the leading network for offering assistance and support to the Society in general. The members on 31/12/21 were 130 companies and NGOs. 2) Please refer to slide 84 in the definitions 3) Key positions defined as positions between Assistant Manager A and Manager A 28
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