Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

| Criança Energizada [GRI 413-1 | EM-EP-210A.3 | EM-EP-210B.1] In 2020, we carried out another selection for the Criança Energizada program, which encourages the practice of sports by children and teenagers in situations of social vulnerability in the state of Ceará. We received more than 900 applications, of which 215 were selected for the action, which also aims at improving sports performance and increasing school adherence and performance. The best-performing athletes compete for positions in professional youth academies of Ceará. SECRETARA REPROIAL DO COAGA HA AMACE RAS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 eneva ALTY ПGA laço CRIANÇAS ENTRGIZA 20 ABOUT LETTER FROM THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ABOUT ENEVA FIGHTING COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & MANUFACTURED HUMAN NATURAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL APPENDICES CAPITAL CAPITAL GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX ene PAGE 98
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