Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano slide image

Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano

New reality Strong pressure on the supply chain - logistical restrictions and relevant exchange rate increase. • Decrease in demand - reduction in the sale of medicines and devices. (implants and materials) due to the focus on combating Covid 19 and postponement of elective treatments (with a strong retraction in the dispensing of hospital and retail pharmaceutical drugs). Operational-financial sustainability mainly of domestic capital and smaller investors. • Greater prominence in the client-patient relationship - regulatory challenges. KPMG © 2021 KPMG Auditores Independentes, a Brazilian entity and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Printed in Brazil. BD210890 Page 110
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