Investor Presentaiton
Stakeholder risk
■ Stakeholder communities and issues are often fluid and
also evolve in response to external factors:
➤ Among investors, the understanding of "CSR" (corporate
social responsibility) is changing and morphing into "ESG"
(environmental, social, governance). ESG puts an explicit
governance foundation under CSR.
➤ Greater focus on the need for investors to incorporate
environmental, social and governance risks into the
investment process. For example:
• United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI).
Greater attention on whether newly listed companies meet
requisite environmental and labour standards.
• Global pension funds looking for fund managers who can invest
along ESG lines.
■ Integrating ESG into a company's strategy and operations
is the name of the game, but easier said than done.
ACGA Presentation
HKCCA, May 6, 2009
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