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Investor Presentaiton

INCREASING FOCUS ON ESG GOING FORWARD WE FOCUS ON THE FOLLOWING FIVE SDGs: NO POVERTY 4 QUALITY EDUCATION 5 GENDER EQUALITY 8 DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 13 CLIMATE ACTION ர்க்க்கர் KEY DEVELOPMENTS IN 2021 Joined the UN Global Compact UN GLOBA COMPACT We believe in success that is shared. We are committed to rigorously managing risks and creating opportunities that fulfil the needs of our customers, employees, and communities, and help people achieve more of their potential Started the materiality assessment process to get a multi-stakeholder perspective on salient ESG issues and refine our sustainability strategy Began the journey to better understand climate-related risks and opportunities relevant to our business, develop climate action strategy, and implement the TCFD recommendations 20
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