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Investor Presentaiton

Features of volcanic rocks The distribution of rare-earth elements, HFSE (high field strength elements) and LILE (lithophilic elements) in volcanic rocks are typical of MORB, boninites, island-arc volcanics and OIB basalts. Discrimination diagramm of Th-Hf/3-Ta E-MORB • Picrobasalt Boninite •Andesibasalt CAB (calc-alkiline basalt) • Andesites OIB (alkiline oceanic within-plate basalts) •Trachyandesite Discrimination diagrams of Nb/Y and Zr/Ti for volcanic rocks and apogabbros of the Ulan-Sar'dag massive Zr/Ti 10 0,1 0,01 Th Volcanic Are& Island Are Tholeiites Hf/3 Picrobasaltes, basaltes 11 13 12 * 14 Andesite-basaltes, andesites 10 ☐ 7 A Dacites, rhyolites N-MORB A E-MORB Alkali Basalt • 9 Trachyandesites, alkali basaltes 15 16 Metaperidotites, metagabbro ° 1 0 5 4 ° 6 A 3 ㅁ 2 Discrimination diagramm of Th√-NbN alkali-rhyolite phonolite 100.00 trachyte dacite+rhyolite ▲ 12 trachy- andesite * 14 andesite+basaltic andesite 8 ☐ Δ 10 ☐ foidite alkali basalts basalts 16 12272×TONOU a 9 11 13 10.00 VOLCANIC ARC ARRAY BABB 20 ThN A 15 1,00 Fincreasing subduction components PM IAT&Bonimite 1E-3 0,01 0,1 Nb/Y 1 10 0,10 no subduction components CAB MORB-normalized diagrams distribution of HFSE in vulcanites and peridotites of Ulan-Sar'dag massif 100 10 1 Peridotites, gabbro 100 10 1 Gabbro, metagabbro 0,1 0,1 0 8 Th Nb Ta La Ce Nd Zr Sm Ti Gd Tb Dy Y Er Yb 2 3 <―4 Th Nb Ta La Ce Nd Zr Sm Ti Gd Tb Dy Y Er Yb 56 17 100 10 0,1 Ta 1000 N-MORB E-MORE -MORB AB 0,01 L 0,01 0,10 MORB OIB ARRAY →SSZ-E → AFC OIB-CE FC 1000 100 Increasing partial melting degree 10 0.1 1,00 10,00 100,00 NbN 1 100 10 0,1 1000 100 0.1 10 100 Boninite 10 7 N-MORB 1000 Andesites, dacites 9 8 N-MORB 10 100 Picrobasaltes, basalts Cs Rb Ba U Th Ta Nb La Ce Sr Pr Nd Zr Hf Sm Eu Gd Ti Tb Dy Ho Y Er Tm Yb 11 14 12 N-MORB E-MORB Basalt, trahyandesites Cs Rb Ba U Th Ta Nb La Ce Sr Pr Nd Zr Hf Sm Eu Gd Ti Tb Dy Ho Y ОІВ 16 17 15 13 10 1000 100 10 100 10 Boninite La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu N-MORB 17 Andesites, dacites 1 8 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu UCC 10. Picrobasaltes, basalts La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd ть Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 11 14 12 13 E-MORB Basalt, trahyandesites Er Tm Yb 1 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu N-MORB OIB 17 16
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