Sustainability Report 2020
Pillars of Sustainability
social programs
Created in 2004, Anjos de Luz Choir
is a project carried out in the commu-
nity of Tijucas and has included more
than 300 children and teenagers aged
6 to 13. It is an initiative that brings
the beauty and transforming power of
music to different generations. The re-
lationships cultivated since childhood
are extremely valuable to Portobello,
especially because many of those chil-
dren are the sons and daughters of our
company's employees.
Currently, the choir has 35 members
who perform at public events, festivals,
gatherings and shows, also alongside
other musical acts. The choir did not
gather in 2020 to prevent the spread of
The Volunteer Program serves as the
basis to maintain and get people incre-
asingly involved in the numerous social
programs of Portobello is the Volunte-
er Program. Participating in it currently
are over 200 employees. The program,
which has encouraged involvement in
social actions since 2017, is intended to
contribute to improving quality of life of
the community at large.
To this end, the initiative is currently or-
ganized into four different areas which
volunteers are free to chose from based
on their availability and interests:
Volunteer actions, in which employe-
es can help with the organization of
the company's events, such as the
Workers' Day Party, the Children's Party,
and of events held by the municipal ad-
ministration of Tijucas.
Charitable campaigns, focused on
collecting donations for the Volunteer
Christmas Celebration, Clothing Dona-
tion Campaign, visiting hospitals, nur-
sing homes, daycare centers and scho-
Charitable donations, in which volun-
teers provide assistance to employees
experiencing hardship due to a disease
or natural disaster.
Actions in favor of life, which focuses
on the health and well-being of people
and calls for actions such as donating
blood, platelets, helping in events rela-
ted to health in general such as breast
cancer and prostate cancer awareness
In 2020, five groups of employees do-
nated blood at the HEMOSC Hematolo-
gy Center in Florianópolis.
Anjos de Luz Choir performing in 2018
Sustainability Report 2020
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