RBC Financial Strategy and Performance slide image

RBC Financial Strategy and Performance

Canada's fiscal position ☐ Strong rating as a result of fiscal prudence, conservative bank lending practices and solid economy ■ Lowest net debt to GDP ratio among G7 peers (1) ■ Growth in the economy has slowed in part due to transitory disruptions to activity in the energy sector, but also because of rising interest rates and limited remaining slack in the economy. GDP is expected to increase at a more moderate pace in 2019 and 2020. Net Debt as % of GDP (1) (2017) Canadian GDP by Industry (2) (Nov 2018) 27.7 44.9 Canada Germany U.K. 77.9 U.S. 78.8 85.8 G7 Average France 87.5 Italy 119.5 Japan 154.9 8% 8% 5% 5% 13% 20% 9% 12% 11% ■Finance, Insurance & Real Estate ■Manufacturing ■ Wholesale and Retail Trade Scientific, Technical & Educational Services ■Public Administration and Utilities ■Mining, Oil & Gas Extractions ■Construction 10% ■ Health Care ■Transportation, Warehousing Economic Backdrop (1) Net debt refers to General Government net debt. International Monetary Fund October 2018 Fiscal Monitor. (2) Statistics Canada, RBC Economics Research. ■ Other 24 24 RBC
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