Investor Presentaiton
We support health
of employees and
local communities
The year 2021 has shown.
the particular importance
of the Group's investment
in healthcare. Both
segments have committed
significant resources to
counter the pandemic.
The Group continued
programmes to provide
assistance and protection
for employees, veterans
and local communities
from COVID-19.
En+ Group will take every opportunity
to prevent the spread of the virus and to
ensure maximum employee protection.
During the pandemic, we ensured secure,
uninterrupted production at the Group's
facilities and achieved robust financial
results supported by solid operational
performance. We also successfully negotiated
refinancing for credit facilities and drastically
reduced our financing costs while fuelling
growing sales of our value-added products
(VAP) due to increasing premiums.
Support for employees
Keeping our employees healthy is our main
goal. Since March 2020, En+ Group has
been taking active measures to combat
the spread of coronavirus: a situation room
and a hotline for assistance were set up,
personnel flows and proximity were limited
as much as possible, and some employees
moved to remote working. We also provided
thermometry control and disinfection of
the workplaces and premises of production
facilities to ensure the safety of our employees.
Consultations regarding COVID-19
The Consulting Centre for Medical Assistance
of En+ Group received more than 470,000
requests from employees and their families
regarding the diagnosis and treatment of
illness caused by coronavirus infection.
The consulting services programme was
launched on 24 December 2020 for Power
segment employees in Miass and Nizhny
Novgorod, as well as in cities in the Irkutsk
Region and Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Remote consultations are available 24/7.
They are conducted by the best medical
personnel from medical facilities in the
cities where the Company operates. If
necessary, specialists arrange hospitalisation
under personal supervision in medical
centres for patients with COVID-19.
En+ Group recognises that these medical
consultations are indespensible to ensuring
full recover after COVID-related illness.
The Company believes that achieving
collective immunity is an important task for
the organisations involved in ensuring the
health and safety of the regions. En+ Group
has launched a partnership programme
with leading state medical facilities in the
regions of its presence for the prompt
vaccination of Power segment employees.
Support for communities
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,
the Company has purchased PPE, medical
equipment, and medicines for medical
facilities in the regions of its operation,
local communities and employees.
En+ Group Annual Report 2021
In addition, both Metals and Power
segments actively promoted healthy
lifestyle and sports activities among
local citizens, employees, and their
families. For this purpose, En+ builds
and renovates sports infrastructure,
purchases sports equipment, and holds
healthy lifestyle events. One of the
Group's largest sport and healthy lifestyle
projects is Get on Your Skis, Everyone!
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