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Investor Presentaiton

Key Highlights - Q3FY20 Order Intake Received an order worth USD 9.63 million from Elmas Savunma Sanayii Ve Havacilik Ticaret Limited, Ankara, Turkey for supply of RDX and HMX derivatives; to be executed with in the period of 5 months First RDX/HMX order to be executed at Katepally Plant This order is the largest one received by the Company till date executable within an year Received a Rate Contract worth Rs. 15.44 crores for Supply of Bulk Loading Explosives from Jaiprakash Power Ventures Limited; contract is for a period of one year from 01.01.2020 Supply for the order would be made from the Singrauli plant Katepally Plant Updates Received most of the licenses from Government of Telangana, Pollution Control Board, etc. Awaiting few more licenses from Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization Premier Explosives Limited WW 2
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