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Investor Presentaiton

ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2021 | AXTEL = as other contingent liabilities. The Company applies its judgment to evaluate the probability that a pending claim is effective, or results in recognition of a liability, and to quantify the possible range of the liquidation. Due to the uncertainty inherent to this evaluation process, actual losses could differ from the provision originally estimated. Contingencies are recorded as provisions when a liability has probably been incurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. It is not practical to conduct an estimate regarding the sensitivity to potential losses, of all other assumptions have been made to record these provisions, due to the number of underlying assumptions and to the range of reasonable results possible, in connection with the potential actions of third parties, such as regulators, both in terms of probability of loss and estimates of said loss. e. Default probability and recovery rate to apply the expected credit losses model in the impairment measurement of financial assets The Company assigns to customers with whom it has an account receivable at each reporting date, either individually or as a group, an allowance for the probability of default in the account receivable and the estimated recovery rate, in order to reflect the cash flows expected to be received from the outstanding balances as of that date. f. Estimation of the discount rate to calculate the present value of future minimum lease payments The Company estimates the discount rate to use in the determination of the lease liability, based on the incremental borrowing rate ("IBR"). The Company uses a three-tier model, with which it determines the three elements that comprises the discount rate: (i) reference rate, (ii) credit risk component and (iii) adjustment for characteristics of the underlying asset. In this model, management also considers its policies and practices to obtain financing, distinguishing between the one obtained at the corporate level (that is, the holding company), or at the level of each subsidiary. Finally, for real estate leases, or in which there is significant and observable evidence of their residual value, the Company estimates and evaluates an adjustment for characteristics of the underlying asset, based on the possibility that said asset is granted as collateral or guarantee against the risk of default. g. Estimation of the lease term The Company defines the lease term as the period for which there is a contractual payment commitment, considering the non-cancelable period of the contract, as well as the renewal and early termination options that are probable to be exercised. The Company participates in lease contracts that do not have a defined non-cancellable term, a defined renewal period (in case it contains a renewal clause), or automatic annual renewals, so, to measure the lease liability, it estimates the contracts term considering their contractual rights and limitations, their business plan, as well as management's intentions for the use of the underlying asset. Additionally, the Company considers the clauses of early termination of its contracts and the probability of exercising them, as part of its estimate of the lease term. 147 13
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