Life of Young Syrians Post-Conflict slide image

Life of Young Syrians Post-Conflict

ON AVERAGE, ACROSS THE THREE COUNTRIES, MORE THAN HALF INDICATE SALARIED EMPLOYMENT AS THE MAIN SOURCE OF INCOME IN THE LAST YEAR. However, nearly two in ten (17%) indicated that they are in temporary employment or currently do not have any income (16%) A8. In the last 12 months, what were the three main sources of cash/income used to sustain your household? - Total Salaried employment Temporary/contracted employment No Income Cash from humanitarian organizations Non-agricultural casual labor 53% 17% 16% 11% 7% Agricultural waged labor 6% Savings 3% Formal credits (from banks) 3% Money sent from friends and family who are living abroad 3% Retirement pension 2% Sale of assets 2% Sale of crops 2% Gifts from local family/relatives 1% Sale of food aid (food vouchers or parcels) Informal credits (from shops, friends, hosts) 1% 1% Sale of non-food assistance 1% Sale of livestock and animal products 1% Other NET 7% Don't know Refused 1% 1% Base: Country average reflects the simple average for three countries. Results are weighted to have country representation with equal shares Ipsos
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