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Investor Presentaiton

WEALTH & TREASURY AuMs and Securities +€2bn; Recurring revenues replace trading gains Key figures (in Єmm) H123 H122 Adifference, % Assets under 13,103 10,152 29% Management Securities 15,502 12,395 25% REVENUES / PROFITABILITY VOLUMES + €2mn Revenues (H1/H1) + €39mn Profits³ (H1/H1) + €2.1bn AUMS (YTD) + €2.0bn Securities (YTD) Total revenues 164 162 1% Recurring Operating (46) (41) 10% expenses Normalised Profit 78 39 98% COST/INCOME Allocated CET1 @13% 535 543 (1%) Cost Income ratio 30% 55% (46%) ROCET1 ratio 1 31% 13% 55% 15% Contribution to Group Revenues, H1’23 Contribution to 22% Group recurring profits², H1'23 ROCET11 30% 13% H1 22 H1 23 11 Return on FL CET1 employed capital at 13% management target. 21 Includes profit after tax from Performing Assets; Based on Normalised profit after tax. 31 Based on Normalised profit after tax +18p.p. 31% H1 22 H1 23 21 ALPHA SERVICES AND HOLDINGS
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