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Investor Presentaiton

PUBLIC 526 124 402 Consolidated financials 1Q 2022 (USD million) Income Statement (USD million) Interest Income Interest Expense Net Interest Income 1Q 2021 1Q 2022 YoY Growth (%) Balance sheet (USD million) Mar-21 Mar-22 YoY Growth (%) 566 8% Cash and short term funds 15,481 16,184 5% 154 24% Central Bank of Kuwait bonds 2,734 2,733 0% Kuwait Government Treasury bonds 1,500 887 -41% 412 3% Deposits with banks 3,852 3,496 -9% Murabaha and other Islamic financing income 184 200 9% Loans, advances and Islamic financing to customers 58,739 65,983 12% Distribution to depositors and Murabaha costs 52 58 11% Investment securities 15,565 16,549 6% Net Income from Islamic financing 132 143 8% Investment in associates 16 12 -25% NII and NI from Islamic financing 534 555 4% Land, premises and equipment 1,412 1,512 7% Net fees and commissions 130 139 7% Goodwill and other intangible assets 1,913 1,882 -2% Net investment income 27 40 47% Other assets (incl. assets held for sale) 798 1,645 NM Total Assets 102,010 110,883 9% Net gains from dealing in foreign currencies 27 43 60% Due to banks 12,730 13,436 6% Other operating income 11 2 -85% Deposits from other financial institutions 9,668 11,588 20% Non-interest income 195 223 15% Customer deposits 56,082 60,252 7% Net Operating Income 729 778 7% Certificates of deposit issued 4,536 3,924 -13% Other borrowed funds 2,607 4,680 80% Staff expenses 152 170 12% Other liabilities (incl. liabilities directly associated with 2,347 2,795 19% Other administrative expenses 90 101 12% assets held for sale) Total Liabilities 87,972 96,676 10% Depreciation of premises and equipment 28 31 12% Share capital 2,367 2,485 5% Amortisation of intangible assets 1 1 0% Proposed bonus shares NM Operating Expenses 270 303 12% Statutory reserve 1,127 1,183 5% Pre-provision profits (and impairments) 459 476 4% Share premium account 2,642 2,642 0% Treasury share reserve 115 115 0% Provision charge for credit losses and impairment losses 140 41 -71% Other reserves 4,526 4,731 5% Operating profit before taxation 319 434 36% Equity attributable to shareholders 10,777 11,157 4% Taxation 26 29 11% Perpetual Tier 1 Capital Securities 1,947 1,445 -26% Non-controlling interests 1,313 1,606 22% Non-controlling interest 15 22 45% Total equity 14,038 14,208 1% Profit attributable to shareholders of the Bank 277 384 38% Total liabilities and equity 102,010 110,883 9% National Bank of Kuwait 32
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