Event Passport Krasnodar Region slide image

Event Passport Krasnodar Region

Culture Event Passport The Krasnodar Region has been rightfully recognized as one of the largest cultural centres of Russia. The priceless historical and cultural heritage became a foundation for the development of a bright and indigenous region. Museums of the territory feature unique collections of exhibit items from the historical treasury that took part in Russian and international exhibition projects. Annually state and municipal museums of the territory are visited by about 2 million people. T The open-air Ataman Exhi- bition Complex an eth- nographic capital of the region has turned into a true storage and the promoter of tradi- tional Cossack culture. Since May till November, it hosts dozens of folk festivals and feasts, exhibi- tions and workshops in all areas of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts. Artists of the world-known Kuban Cossack Choir and Yuri Grigorovich Ballet Theatre from the Krasnodar Philharmonic Society perform on the best venues of Moscow and Saint Petersburg. To celebrate the International Museum Day the re- gion successfully holds the Kuban Museum Festival and the Euro- pean Night of Museums which is attended by 60,000 residents and guests. Annually residents of Kuban are delighted to see social and cultural promotions, such as the Biblio Night, the Night of Arts, the Philharmonic Night. Twice a year the best theatre productions take part in the The- atrical Kuban Regional Festival. The geography of theatre tours expands; thousands of specta- tors are attracted by the Theatre Insomnia. Krasnodar Region Traditions and Customs Kuban Cossack Choir - The most precious cultural objects of the Krasnodar Region include the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir the oldest and the biggest national Cossack ensemble in Russia. It's the only professional folk team in the country with the un- interrupted successive history that dates back to the early 19th century. Brilliancy, singularity, spir- its and the utmost excellence of the Kuban Cossack Choir has won the hearts of spectators in many countries of the world. In a way, the Kuban Cossack Choir is a his- torical landmark that has depicted military and cultural reclamation of Kuban, the history of classical sec- ular and spiritual culture of Yekat- erinodar, tragic events of the Civil War, and the 1930s, the history of the Soviet Grand Style Aesthetics in the form of culture and arts. The choir introduces both the history of certain individuals and the rou- tine of singing and musical culture of Kuban, and historical heroic events and the incredible drama of the Cossacks that are inseparable from the Russian history. In 2011, the Kuban Cossack Choir celebrat- ed its 200th anniversary. 100 101
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