Investor Presentaiton
'he milestones to manifest Indonesia's FOLU
Net Sink 2030 have been planted. The
agenda to achieve a condition in which the
level of GHG absorption of forestry and other land
use sector is lower than or at least balance with its
emissions has been started.
It is not an easy task. With hard work,
nonetheless, the commitment is achievable. The
detailed and target-oriented Operational Plan
provides guidelines to all relevant stakeholders
on how to achieve the emission level of minus
140 Mt CO₂e, an ambitious target determined in
Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030.
Empirical experience proves that the actions
taken by the Country have successfully reduced
national GHG emissions while increasing GHG
sequestration and storage. Indonesia has sharply
reduced the rate of deforestation, significantly
suppressed forest and land fires, and improved
the governance of primary forests and peatlands.
The Country has also succeeded in boosting forest
and land rehabilitation and enhancing community-
based forest management with the Social
Forestry scheme. Corrective regulations and law
enforcement are central to all of the effort. These
achievements become fundamental modalities for
the Country to reach the ambitious Indonesia's
FOLU Net Sink 2030 target.
Moreover, efforts to echo Indonesia's FOLU Net
Sink 2030 at the National and Sub-National levels
have captured support from various elements, from
ministerial level to local governments, academics,
business actors, NGOs, and the community at the
grassroots level.
Support for Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030
continues to grow, either from domestic and
international communities in the framework of
bilateral and multilateral cooperation. In particular,
the countries that have expressed their support
include the United States of America, the United
Kingdom, Norway, and Germany, while the
European Union has declared its readiness to
facilitate implementation of the agenda.
Support from all stakeholders both inside
and outside the Country raises optimism to
reach Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030. Through
this commitment, Indonesia will significantly
contribute to combating the global climate
change while ensuring the environment and
forests remain healthy and productive for better
future generations. Sustainable Forest, Healthy
Environment, Prosperous Community.
The peak of a mountain in Kepulauan
Karimata Marine Strict Nature Reserve,
West Kalimantan.
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