JSC Atomenergoprom Annual Report slide image

JSC Atomenergoprom Annual Report

JSC ATOMENERGOPROM / ANNUAL REPORT / 116 Risks and changes in risk levels (risk owners) Risk description Risk management practices Results: Risk management measures implemented by the Company have enabled it to avoid a negative impact on key performance indica- tors. For key components that are no longer unavailable, alternative suppliers have been found, and further steps are being taken to re- place imports. Project implementation stages are monitored in real time; RPS methodologies are being implemented. The Company is expanding its product portfolio (offers) and entering new end mar- kets, including by establishing JVs and acquiring the relevant assets. Procurement of imported equipment is brought forward, with prices locked in and the warranty period extended. The risk is expected to rise due to the lengthening of supply chains and the fact that major suppliers of IT equipment have left the Russian market because of sanctions pressure. Connec- tion with strategic goals Risks and changes in risk levels (risk owners) - 12.Climate and envi- ronmental risks (Executives of the Risk of loss of Management approaches: and damage to proper- ty due to the impact - of random Company's Divisions) natural and climatic factors. Risk of en- vironmental damage from the operation of nuclear facilities and other facil- ities in the industry - At the stage of NPP design, the Company carries out a comprehen- sive assessment of risks associated with the climatic characteristics of the region where the proposed NPP construction site is situated; Implementation of industry-wide policies on sustainable develop- ment and environmental protection. Taking into account adverse natural phenomena (including earthquake tendencies) and climatic factors at the design stage. Industrial environmental control and monitoring; Parameters of the NPP construction site are continuously moni- tored; Environmental monitoring is performed, including radiation moni- toring at the NPP construction site and in the radiation control area using mobile radiation monitoring equipment at ARMS stations in accordance with the Environmental Radiation Monitoring Pro- gramme; Annual reports presenting the findings of site monitoring, environ- mental and radiation monitoring are published on an annual basis. Annual reports are submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Turkey (NDK), the general design contractor (JSC Atomenergo- proekt) and the holding company (JSC REIN); Steps are being taken to determine the zero background radiation level at the NPP construction site; To maintain the balance of local ecosystems, all enterprises involved in various stages of the production process strictly comply with technological standards for natural uranium mining and process- ing. Active steps are being taken to reduce the relevant impacts and improve the environmental safety of the production cycle. GOVERNANCE SYSTEM Risk description Risk management practices 1 4 13. Social and politi- cal risks in the regions of operation Loss of public approval for the location of infrastruc- Results: Pollutant emissions into the atmosphere from NPPs do not exceed permitted limits and are significantly below the limits set by en- vironmental regulators. The majority of pollutant emissions from NPPs are generated by start-up and backup boiler houses, boiler houses of healthcare centres and backup diesel generators, which are regularly started up for routine testing. For many years, NPPs account for less than 0.01% of the total volume of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere from Russian enterprises. Despite the progress that has been made, NPPs continue to regu- larly implement measures to reduce the man-made impact on the atmosphere: the Company is improving technological solutions to enhance fuel efficiency at its facilities; higher-grade fuel oil (with lower sulphur content) is used; painting techniques are being improved; efficient gas scrubbers and dust collectors are put into operation. (JSC Atomenergo- prom and executives of the Company's Divisions) ture facilities Management approaches: - JSC Atomenergoprom operates in a socially important sector of the economy. The Government of the Russian Federation makes a direct impact on the Company's operations by financing individual federal projects and federal target programmes. As a result, JSC Atomenergoprom and its organisations are characterised by a high level of financial resilience sufficient to withstand the negative economic consequences of social and regional risks; The Company engages with regional and municipal governments on matters related to promoting regional development, increasing regional tax revenue and maintaining social and economic stability in the regions; - In order to reduce social risks in its regions of operation, the Company implements a set of measures (public consultations, engagement with non-governmental organisations and the media) to inform the general public about the operations of its regional manufacturing enterprises, plans for their future development and their stability, and the fact that its operations do not pose any environmental risks; - Simultaneously, the Company conducts environmental upgrades in the back-end segment, introducing new RAW and SNF processing technologies and reducing the volume and radioactivity of waste. Result: the situation in the towns and cities where the Company operates remains stable. Operational continuity has been ensured in the Company's enterprises. GOVERNANCE SYSTEM Connec- tion with strategic goals JSC ATOMENERGOPROM / ANNUAL REPORT / 117
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