FY2023 Financial Forecasts slide image

FY2023 Financial Forecasts

Geographic Operating Income Operating Income (billions of yen) (excluding Valuation Gains/Losses from Interest Rate Swaps, etc.) [ ] Margin Japan N. America Europe 2,313 2,394 (103.5%) 2,125 1,924 (90.5%) +274.7 +169.8 1,425.5 [8.9%] 1,150.7 [7.7%] '20.4-'21.3 '21.4-'22.3 Consolidated Vehicle Sales (thousands of vehicles) Asia Incl. China (excl. investments accounted for using the equity method of associates and joint ventures) Other TOYOTA 1,543 (126.3%) 959 1,017 (106.0%) 1,222 1,352 (131.7%) 1,027 +220.8 +57.2 +165.9 657.1 532.5 114.4 362.7 171.7 [4.4%] [4.8%] [3.7%] 436.2 [10.1%] [8.6%] 230.7 [7.9%] [3.8%] 64.8 [3.5%] '20.4-'21.3 '21.4-'22.3 '20.4-'21.3 '21.4-'22.3 Operating Income including Valuation Gains/Losses from Interest Rate Swaps, etc. (billions of yen) 1,149.2 1,423.4 401.3 565.7 107.9 162.9 '20.4-'21.3 '21.4-'22.3 '20.4-'21.3 '21.4-'22.3 435.9 672.3 59.8 238.1 8
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