Adient Capital Allocation and China Business Update
Cash flow generation continues to improve
Adient expects to generate significant cash flow in the coming years, underpinned by:
> Solid operational execution
> A strengthening earnings profile driven by:
> Intense focus on customer profitability
> Balance in / balance out of new platforms
> Growth in highly profitable markets (China & Asia outside of China)
> Successful execution of actions to reduce Adient's "calls" for cash
> Favorable cash taxes (supported by strategic tax initiatives, NOLS)
> Reduced level of capital spending (enabled by capital reuse, disciplined capital
> Targeted restructuring (heavy lifting executed in prior years)
Supported by earnings and margin growth, Adient is successfully transitioning to a cash generating company --
Adient expects to generate positive FCF in FY23
J.P. Morgan China Investor Meeting
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