Adient Capital Allocation and China Business Update slide image

Adient Capital Allocation and China Business Update

Cash flow generation continues to improve Adient expects to generate significant cash flow in the coming years, underpinned by: > Solid operational execution > A strengthening earnings profile driven by: > Intense focus on customer profitability > Balance in / balance out of new platforms > Growth in highly profitable markets (China & Asia outside of China) > Successful execution of actions to reduce Adient's "calls" for cash > Favorable cash taxes (supported by strategic tax initiatives, NOLS) > Reduced level of capital spending (enabled by capital reuse, disciplined capital allocation) > Targeted restructuring (heavy lifting executed in prior years) ADIENT //// Supported by earnings and margin growth, Adient is successfully transitioning to a cash generating company -- Adient expects to generate positive FCF in FY23 J.P. Morgan China Investor Meeting Adient PUBLIC 6
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